How To Monitor Follicle Ovulation


It is important to understand follicle growth and ovulation for women to effectively plan pregnancy. Normally, one follicle will grow, mature and ovulate in one menstruation cycle. A couple who is planning to get pregnant should engage in intercourse during the ovulatory phase, which is on Day 14 from the first day of period in a 28-day regular menstruation cycle. There are three methods to understand the ovulation situation:


Basic body temporary checking:Every morning, you can measure the temperature under your tongue without drinking, eating, speaking and going to the bathroom. Do this for three months, and if your follicle ovulation is alright, your body temperature curve should go both ways.


LH test paper:Use LH test paper to measure the amount of LH in your urine three to five times a day when nearing your ovulation. If it ovulates, the PH test paper should show two lines. If you get closer to the time, the colour will become darker.

Ultrasound:  This is also a very reliable method in detecting ovulation. Women with regular menstrual cycle can perform the ultrasound from the 11th day of the cycle. Combined with your blood hormone, you will know your ovulation function objectively and directly.