Diet Guide for Pregnancy Preparation


Faced with a wide range of health products and nutrients, a number of preparing pregnant couples are often confused, not knowing what food to eat. Actually, all prospective parents want to ensure reasonable dietary structure and diversification – vegetables, fruits, fish, beans, milk and eggs in a reasonable mix to guarantee balanced. Couples are unaware which ones lack nutrients, those that could absorb enough or need to add more.

Pregnant Happy smiling Woman sitting on a sofa and caressing her belly. Mom Expecting Baby. Pregnant Woman Belly. Pregnancy. Beautiful Pregnant Woman. Maternity concept. Baby Shower

Pregnant Happy smiling Woman sitting on a sofa and caressing her belly. Mom Expecting Baby. Pregnant Woman Belly. Pregnancy. Beautiful Pregnant Woman. Maternity concept. Baby Shower

In addition to eating correct foods, couples should also note that it is important to abandon bad habits 3-6 months prior to pregnancy. Both husband and wife should quit smoking and stop drinking coffee, even gradually if they cannot quit immediately right away in order to make sure the embryo is not affected.


To avoid the occurrence of neural tube malformation, folic acid should be taken three months before pregnancy, 0.4 mg per day until the first trimester, or up to 0.8 mg if confirmed that they are twins or that the unborn has neural tube defects. The folic acid content is higher in green vegetables, which is why pregnant women should eat more of these.