Anesthesiology & Pain Management

Anesthesiology & Pain Management

The Department of Anesthesiology at Shanghai United Family Pudong Hospital (SHUPH) is composed of a highly experienced team of clinical anesthesiologist specialists, committed to making your hospital stay as safe and comfortable as possible. The department offers comprehensive care of all patients requiring regional or general anesthesia for therapeutic, diagnostic, and surgical procedures.

Our anesthesia team will ensure your comfort and safety during and after your surgery. Our team of English and Mandarin speaking anesthesiologists has decades of combined experience in providing excellent anesthesia care, pain management, and critical care services for patients. We offer a full-range of anesthesiology services.

Our goal is to provide the safe anesthesia and analgesia experience using the most up-to-date knowledge, equipment, and medication with the least amount of side effects and complications. Furthermore, the department is able to tailor anesthetic plans to each patient’s individual needs. PDU can offer safety analgesia for spontaneous vaginal delivery.

Our services

Our services include:

• Pre-anesthetic assessment
• Counseling for patients with complicated medical conditions
• Intra-operative care and monitoring with the safe equipment, medication, techniques, and, most importantly, the well-trained/experienced anesthesiologists
• Anesthesia service for patients with extreme ages
• Post-operation pain management to help patients have a smooth recovery with minimal pain
• Endoscopy – sedation
• Vaginal delivery – regional analgesia
• C-section – regional or general anesthesia
• Dental procedures – general anesthesia or sedation
• MRI scans – sedation for young children and claustrophobic patients

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