Sleep Medicine Center of United Family Healthcare

The service of Sleep Medicine Center is established based on the guidelines of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). The professional team consists of sleep medicine specialist, technicians, and a multidisciplinary team of experts from ENT, Neurology, Dentistry and Psychology. Its standardized diagnosis and treatment procedures, polysomnography monitoring and sleep pattern interpretation are strictly implemented in accordance with the AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events, providing a variety of professional sleep health treatment services for patients with sleep disorders.

Sleep Medicine Center uses Type I equipment that meets the AASM standard: Alice 6 LDxS polysomnography, with over 60 lead signals covering all ages from newborns to children and adults to continuously monitor indicators such as EEG, ocular electricity, electrocardiogram, blood pressure, blood oxygen, respiration, and physical activity throughout the night. The monitoring data is reviewed by the sleep medicine specialist and technician on a 30-second basis, to ensure more accurate diagnosis of sleep disorders.

Sleep Medicine Center is also equipped with a number of Type lll portable sleep monitoring devices such as Alice NightOne, as well as a variety of non-invasive continuous positive pressure ventilation ventilators to serve the screening and diagnosis of patients with moderate to severe OSA.

Currently provides the following services:

Sleep Medicine Center of Shanghai United Family Pudong Hospital currently provides the following services: Polysomnography (over 60-lead sleep monitoring parameters, including EEG, ocular electricity, mandibular muscle, blood oxygen saturation, ECG, oral and nasal respiratory airflow, chest and abdomen respiratory movement, leg movement, snoring, body position, etc.)

. Portable polysomnography and continuous pulse oxygen monitoring. Dynamic respiration, ECG and end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) monitoring
. Dynamic visual and audio sleep monitoring
. Multiple sleep latency test (MSLT)
. Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT)
. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation titration and treatment (AUTO-CPAP, AUTO-BIPAP mode)
. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation titration and treatment under PSG (CPAP, BIPAP mode)
. Suggested immobilization test (SIT)
. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI)
. Drug efficacy assessment
. Household ventilator guidance

Sleep Medicine Center of Shanghai United Family Pudong Hospital is committed to helping you eliminate sleep disorders, have a good night’s sleep, and enjoy every morning!

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